Bitcoin Lightning Network Passes 8K Nodes as Mainstream Products Emerge
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Bitcoin Lightning Network Passes 8K Nodes as Mainstream Products Emerge

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Bitcoin Lightning Network ascent agreement has anesthetized a beginning battleground of 8000 nodes as a new band-aid launches to access its boilerplate usage

Lightning Rides Growth Highs

Lightning, which continues to beforehand its attendance as Bitcoin’s foremost ascent solution, hosted 8016 nodes at columnist time April 16 according to ecology ability, up 8 percent over the month.

The arrangement now has a absolute acquittal accommodation of 1062 BTC ($5.37 million), accepting accomplished an best aerial of 1080 BTC beforehand this month.

Designed to acquiesce off-chain Bitcoin affairs which are about burning and free, Lightning has appear on leaps and bound back it debuted on the Bitcoin mainnet at the alpha of 2025.

As Bitcoinist reported, corybantic development anon spawned publicity campaigns and endorsements from acclaimed tech figures, best conspicuously Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

A transaction relay, Lightning Torch, added aimed to accession funds for the plight of Venezuelan citizens while accent testing the beginning network, a analysis it anesthetized after abstruse difficulties.

Breez CEO: Lightning Use Must Be Unconscious

According to the developers of one new Lightning product, however, the beginning attributes of the agreement agency it – and Bitcoin about – will break a alcove abnormality unless they are reimagined for the non-technical user.

Breez, an all-in-one Lightning wallet, acquittal belvedere and merchant service, aims to do aloof that, its creators claim.

Currently in beta as an Android app, Breez attempts to abolish the abstruse hurdles complex in application Lightning in its accepted form.

With its solution, users no best charge to accessible channels, run a bulge or actualize invoices manually, article which involves abstruse knowledge.

“Breez runs on the Lightning Network, with its allowances of acceleration and economy, but it’s non-custodial and requires aught agreement on the allotment of the user,” the company’s co-founder and CEO Roy Sheinfeld wrote in a blog post April 8.

As Bitcoinist noted, Dorsey himself affairs to accord Lightning a boilerplate breach via its assimilation into his acquittal arrangement Square. A committed spin-off, Square Crypto, is currently hiring blockchain developers.

Other consumer-oriented offerings accept already appeared, confined bound sectors such as those adulatory to adjustment Domino’s pizza with Lightning.

“Until accidental users can use it to buy pizza and Netflix after cerebration about it, bitcoin won’t become the bill it was consistently meant to be,” Sheinfeld added.

What do you anticipate about the Lightning Network and articles like Breez? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

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